The chances are you have been thinking about making the transition from incandescent lighting to LED. You probably have heard about some of the benefits of doing such a thing, but the decision hasn’t been made yet.

At Light Bulb Pro, we are constantly encouraging our clients to make the switch. In order to achieve it, we stick to the facts. Our seasoned team believes that the main benefits that come with LED technology are enough to help people with their decision.

That’s why today we decided to share 5 different arguments you must consider about finally switching to LED.

High Efficiency with LED Lighting

LED technology is extremely efficient, especially when we compare it to incandescent lighting. A LED light bulb requires 10W, which is six times less than the incandescent bulb.

This greatly influences the power costs every month for good. This is especially true for big lighting installations.

High Durability with LED Lighting

Our clients at Light Bulb Pros are always fascinated by the durability of LED bulbs. In the practical aspect, these bulbs don’t only consume less power than incandescent products but also provide an exponentially larger lifespan. Data shows that a LED bulb can outlive more than 20 incandescent bulbs.

Another fact related to durability is that LED bulbs are built of sturdier materials. The regular bulbs we know from the old days are fragile, made of filaments and glass. The slightest impact would break them. With LED technology, the story is different.

Cooler Environments

If you have a LED bulb installed somewhere, you know already how they can keep the surroundings cool and pleasant. Consuming exponentially less power, this technology also generates very small amounts of heat.

It’s also worth mentioning that their cooler operation is beneficial for safety. Other lighting technologies generate so much heat that they represent a real hazard, even having caused fires indoors.

Better Lighting Conditions

Another curious thing about LED lighting is that it consumes less power but is significantly brighter than incandescent bulbs. Our customers also make the most of the fact that LED technology offers a wide array of colors in its different products.

Both characteristics are especially useful for outdoor applications, where intense bright levels and the possibility of using different colors besides white are part of our projects.

The Eco-Friendly Choice of LED Lighting

At Light Bulb Pros, the team believes that one of the strongest reasons for making the switch is the environment. As we mentioned before, incandescent bulbs don’t only consume massive amounts of power but also last less, which translates into more waste in less time. This is an undeniable problem for the environment.

Fortunately, we have serious alternatives. Every day, LED lighting becomes a more efficient and beneficial option. Because its high efficiency and durability, the short and long-term impact are unquestionable. With a lower energy consumption, carbon footprints remain low.

If money savings aren’t enough to make up your mind and move forward with the switch, helping the only planet we have should help. Visit Light Bulb Pros for more information about our products and services.

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Lilly Anderson, Author

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete all account of the system, and expound the actual teachings.

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