LED lighting is nothing new – heck, it’s been with us for quite a while actually.

But it has only recently become affordable for widespread consumer use, and this has transformed lighting as we know it.

Whether in a home or a business, on the outside or on a sign, LED lighting is versatile, energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and lasts a long time. That is why you should consider LED lights.

There are a ton of good reasons to switch your home over to LED lighting. Professional light bulb installations using LED lighting can not only improve your home or business environment but also cut the money on utilities considerably.

In this article, we’re going to tell you 8 facts you may not have known about LED lights. Not only do most professionals think LED lighting is the future of the industry, but also most are more than happy to show their clients the benefits this awesome technology has. These facts should help underscore that.

LED lights

Here are the top 8 things you may not have known about LED lighting:

8. LED lighting used today is six to seven times more efficient than incandescent bulbs of the past and could result in an 80% reduction in power usage.

7. The highest-quality LED light bulbs can have an effective life of 25,000 hours or more. Professional light bulb installations typically only use the highest-quality bulbs available on the market. Ask your lighting specialist how LED light bulbs can provide you with an immediate benefit to your bottom line.

6. Incandescent bulbs are known for their hum and variable glow. Part of this is the excess energy wasted as heat as incandescent bulbs shine. With LED bulbs, less of the energy is used to power the unit and thus less of it is wasted as heat. In fact, most LED light bulbs give off little to no heat, making them much less of a fire hazard than traditional light bulbs.

5. LEDs are everywhere and should start showing up in almost every conceivable lighting application given their relatively low cost. Not only are they valued for their versatility but also for their ability to maintain consistent performance over time, making them especially attractive for uses in things like stoplights and advertisements.

4. LED lighting is also very environmentally safe. Unlike compact fluorescent lights that contain mercury, LED lighting is much safer for the environment.

3. LED lighting has a bright future ahead of it. As one of the fastest-growing segments in professional light bulb installations, LED lighting is not only becoming cheaper but companies are constantly improving the technology.

2. By 2030, LED lighting could account for 75% of all light bulb sales according to estimates from the US Department of Energy.

1. If the US switched over to LED lighting completely in the next twenty years, the results would be a 50% reduction in the electricity used for lighting as well as savings of $250 billion in energy costs.

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Lilly Anderson, Author

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete all account of the system, and expound the actual teachings.

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