Light bulb

Every day, it becomes more evident that everyone must take care of the environment somehow. One of the most promoted ways to do so is by switching from an incandescent light bulb to light-emitting diodes, widely known as LED.

At Light Bulb Pros, we always encourage our customers to make the right decision and going with the eco-friendly alternative. To achieve such a thing, we like to highlight the big benefits of doing this.

Replacing with LED lighting have many implications that must be explained to both individuals and organizations that haven’t make the switch yet.

A Local Act of Consciousness Starts with a Light Bulb

It isn’t unusual to hear people saying that they alone cannot save the world. Truth be told, big changes in our society start with small, often isolated actions. Every single person must do their part in order to achieve big results, even when such actions feel irrelevant.

Replacing your current lighting setup with the eco-friendly option is a real act of consciousness. It means that you are genuinely aware of the many problems we are causing because of our lack of commitment to nature.

LED Savings Explained

People may be skeptical about the celebrated savings when using LED technology. The reality is that these savings are real, both in power and financial terms. LED demands less power, so carbon emissions and power costs go down significantly.

A LED bulb uses 10W while an incandescent one uses several times that amount of power, around 60W. So, if you are afraid of the potential cost of a replacement, think about saving six times less money in electric bills.

Higher Light Bulb Durability

Durability is something that many of our new clients at Light Bulb Pros ignore. Truth be told, this is one of the most important aspects of making the switch and the reasons are plenty. A single LED bulb can work around 25,000 hours. If you are still working with incandescent products, you would need more than 20 bulbs in order to achieve the same 25,000 hours of operation.

Now, LED bulbs’ lifespan implies that less waste is produced. For environment-caring purposes, this is critical. One of the deadliest things for our planet, which is occurring right now, is the rampant amount of non-degradable waste. Thanks to the very long lifespan of LED bulbs, we are able to dramatically reduce the amount of waste that our
houses and business produce over time.

Making the Right Decision for the Environment and Your Finances

At Light Bulb Pros, we believe that choosing the eco-friendly alternative for our lighting projects is the smartest choice. After explaining these facts to our clients, they quickly understand they aren’t only doing something amazing for the environment but also making the best for their finances.

In fact, new technologies and regulations are making LED technology cheaper. This means that the upfront cost of light bulbs replacement is going down every day. When it comes to making the switch, the choice is there.

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Lilly Anderson, Author

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete all account of the system, and expound the actual teachings.

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