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  • Mon - Sat: 9am to 6pm
Difference between LED and incandescent

What is the Difference Between LED and Incandescent Lighting?

We use light bulbs every day: in our homes, cars, offices, stores and more. Though it is important that they light up the area, it is also significant the way that the light is emitted. With this goal in mind, it is essential that you know the difference between LED and incandescent lighting. What is

5 Benefits of Using LED Christmas Lighting

You’ve finally made the decision to hang some Christmas lighting this year. But you’re not sure exactly how you want to approach the situation. After all, there are a ton of options out on the market. And don’t get us started on bulb types! One good thing about modern Christmas lighting is that, while there

Light bulb

A Light Bulb Replacement Can Help the World

Every day, it becomes more evident that everyone must take care of the environment somehow. One of the most promoted ways to do so is by switching from an incandescent light bulb to light-emitting diodes, widely known as LED. At Light Bulb Pros, we always encourage our customers to make the right decision and going